The Five Million Dollar Afterlife Challenge!
A guy I know bought some bitcoin a few years back. He sort of forgot about it for a while and then one day he realized that he was very rich.
We got to talking about the afterlife recently, and the fact that it was the biggest scam in the history of mankind. Give me your money now and you’ll get everything you want after you die. We both know the whole thing’s bullshit, but after a few bottles of red he said, “What if there is some kind of afterlife? I’d pay big bucks to know about it.”
So here we are.
If you can prove the existence of the afterlife, there’s a reward of $5 million coming your way.
The afterlife, for purposes of this challenge, is the thing referred to in Christianity, and similar fictions, that involves the soul of a human going to another place, such as heaven or hell, where it continues to live on after the death of the human body. The thing that billions of people all over the world pay charlatans for, often on a weekly basis, in the hope that they’ll get a good deal when they get there.
Note to apologists. Don’t think about starting frivolous law suits demanding proof of the availability of the prize waiting in some specified bank account or other. Changing the subject is a well known technique employed by people who know they can’t prevail in the actual argument. If you have no proof of the afterlife, the reward will never be yours, so don’t waste people’s time by trying to change the subject.
Besides, just think about it. Five million bucks is chickenfeed to a megachurch. If you can prove the afterlife is real, there’ll be no shortage of money coming your way. Look how much money people give to churches with no proof whatsoever.
Terms and Conditions. Everything on this page is part of the Ts and Cs. If you don’t agree to them all, you can’t enter the challenge.
So, the first rule of The Five Million Dollar Afterlife Challenge is that you provide the proof of the existence of the afterlife first, and then, and only then, will proof of the $5 million, and of course the money itself, be provided to you. If you do not agree to the rules of the challenge, don’t enter. Move on. Try to come to terms with the the fact that you are living your life based on a scam.
Here’s another rule, or term or condition. The so-called near death experience is irrelevant. So don’t bother us with that. Death is defined in dictionaries as the permanent cessation of all vital functions. Permanent means permanent. Revival from a comatose state is not the same thing as returning from death. It just means you weren’t dead. Witnesses recounting dreams, hallucinatory experiences and the like will not be considered. If they are able to testify it means they’re not dead and therefore never have been dead.
So how do you go about winning the reward?
To win the reward you must prove the existence of the afterlife beyond reasonable doubt. Meaning a court of law. That’s right, the test will be if you can convince a secular jury, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the afterlife, as defined above, actually exists.
So sue us.
That’s how you win.
We will pay out the prize if you can convince a secular court of law that we should pay you, by reason that you have proved, beyond reasonable doubt, that the afterlife is real.
The reason for doing it this way is to avoid wasting time. The decision on proof, or lack of proof, simultaneously becomes the legal ruling on who owes who how much money (see below). Time is precious for those of us who know it really is limited.
Another of the Ts and Cs is that if you lose any case that’s in any way associated with this challenge, you must pay any and all costs that may be incurred by all people, firms etc on the side of neelingman.com, including court costs, travel expenses, legal fees, and anything else associated with the case. So don’t be frivolous. It could get expensive.
Entry is free with proof of purchase of –
Afterlife: The Human Life Series of Handy Notebooks, Book Three
or any one of The Human Life Series of Handy Notebooks
There you go. Have at it.
If you think the afterlife is real. Prove it.
Otherwise shut up about it.
Five million bucks says the afterlife is bullshit.