Day: November 8, 2016

pope marriage difficulty

Pope pontificates on marriage, difficult moments and the path of love

Kneeling Man: Oi, God! Have you seen this one where the Pope pontificates on marriage, difficult moments and the path of love? Why does the Pope think he knows so much about marriage? God: The Pope is a very wise man. KM: Yeah, I know. But he doesn’t have much experience in this area. God: …

Pope pontificates on marriage, difficult moments and the path of love Read More »

Pope faith gift

Pope says faith is given to us in and through the Church

Kneeling Man: Oi, God! What do you think about this? The Pope says faith is given to us in and through the Church. We wouldn’t have faith without the Church giving it to us. God: Is there a problem with that? KM: Not with the words. They actually make sense for a change. Just a …

Pope says faith is given to us in and through the Church Read More »


Pope says God’s forgiveness is stronger than any sin

Kneeling Man: Oi, God! You there? God: Of course, Neel, as always. What’s on your mind? KM: This old tweet from the old coot’s like a get out of hell free card. You think that’s a good idea? God: What are you talking about, Neel? KM: He’s saying that no sin is as strong as …

Pope says God’s forgiveness is stronger than any sin Read More »